British Muslims online

Also, Celebrities for Jesus

It’s WorldPride in my neck of the woods, which means Sydney is filled with unusually buff and well-groomed folks from all over the world. Even the heat and the rain has not dampened the very happy, very horny atmosphere.

As a result, I’ve been very busy with social things, but also work things, so I’m not doing a full edition this week. I did make quite a lot of radio though, much of it about religion and the internet, so I’m calling it a win.

I guest-hosted the Religion and Ethics Report, which is probably the most high-profile thing I’ve done in my career since one of my videos was featured on the front page of YouTube in 2008(?)

via ABC RN / Religion and Ethics Report

In this episode I spoke with:

via ABC / Soul Search

Then today I was on Soul Search with Meredith Lake interviewing Hussein Kesvani (of Trashfuture and 10,000 Posts podcasts) about young British Muslims online. Hussein’s book Follow Me Akhi: The Online World of British Muslims was a good read, and I really enjoyed our conversation.

Before my interview with Hussein, Meredith and I have a chat about religion and the internet, and why I’m particularly interested in this area. I think it all turned out really well!

And that’s all from me today. If it is still Ash Wednesday where you are, please remember to contemplate your inevitable death.

via @TheHolyKnife

Have a good one, everyone! Memento mori!