No copyright on church parody plays!

Also, Chris Pratt is """not a religious person"""

This week, my boyfriend had COVID and I was also sick but according to multiple tests I did not also have COVID. This weekend we’ll both be out of isolation and will be attending a theology conference.

Also, the first round of 2021 Australian census results was released this week. For the first time since colonisation, less than half of Australians now identify as Christians. We’ve been chatting about it in the Modern Relics Discord, and you are welcome to join the discussion!

Ok, let’s kick off with a meme I totally forgot to post the last two weeks and I have to post it now before Stranger Things leaves the zeitgeist.

via @joshcarlosjosh

“The Church Play Cinematic Universe”

Last week I wrote about religion in Star Wars and included a still image from a parody Star Wars play put on by The Church of the Rock. I originally included a video of dancing Storm Troopers from the play reposted by Jenny Nicholson, but it was personally taken down by a senior content manager at Sony because she didn’t like that the church did a parody of one of Sony’s songs. I’m not fully sure how serious I am when I say that this feels like a religious freedom issue.

Anyway! Copyright claims are probably also the reason the church only makes these plays available for a short period around Easter instead of leaving them up all the time. Jenny made a whole video about all the plays she could get her hands on when they were publicly available earlier this year.

She follows all the recurring actors and tropes in the plays, as well as ranking how much she liked all the crucifixion scenes. She mistakes a few in jokes about pacifist Mennonites for biblical in jokes, but who can really blame her? Hopefully this video, too, is not taken down, but I encourage you to watch it as soon as you can.

I told you I am NOT doing theology in this newsletter


The new Buzz Lightyear movie is about Buzz Lightyear but not the Toy Story Buzz Lightyear and it is not voiced by Tim Allen and Tim Allen is mad about it.

Okay maybe a little bit of theology

Here is a silly-but-serious question: Are the following baptisms valid according to the Catholic Church? What about other churches?

via @mattxiv

These images have been going viral about once a month since the pandemic started and every time I wonder if these kids are going to run into trouble down the line when they go to get confirmed or ordained or whatever. My friend Marty sent them to me again last week and we had a chat about it, but neither of us actually knows what we’re talking about.

There are several priests, ministers and other theological types who read this newsletter, so I want to know! If you can baptise with water that falls from a cup or a shell, can you also baptise with a super soaker? If not, why not?

Adopt your baby memes

By far the biggest religion story this week has been the United States Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade, which previously afforded the right to an abortion. Plenty of attention has been directed at this issue and I have nothing of value to add.

It did inspire plenty of “We will adopt your baby” memes, spun off from this viral image. I’ve written a fair bit about Star Wars recently so here’s one meme that made me laugh, even though the whole thing is pretty grim, tbh.

via @IsaacFitzgerald

Chris Pratt is “not a religious person”

I’ve written before about how earlier in his life, Chris Pratt converted to evangelical Christianity after speaking with a Jews for Jesus guy in Hawaii (Chris is not Jewish – it’s just a weird thing that happened).

This week he gave an interview with Men’s Health Magazine where he said “Religion has been opressive as fuck for a long time” and “I’m not a religious person”. Confusing, because Chris goes to church, had his children baptised and frequently talks about his belief in God.

via @CultureCrave

Don’t worry everyone, this is literally a ‘it’s a relationship not a religion’ situation. Chris continues,

I think there’s a distinction between being religious—adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God—and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred. Whatever it is. The evil that’s in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride.

Oh for sure, dude. In the interview Chris distances himself from Hillsong and eventually discloses that he goes to Zoe Church, whose pastor Chad Veach executive-produced a homophobic film in 2017. But we knew that already! I don’t even care that he goes there or that it’s not an affirming congregation — I just wish he and the church weren’t so squirrely about it.

“Biblically accurate angel” drag

via @jade_uzumaki_

Click through for more/higher res pictures. Also, reader Luke DM’d me this pic of a “Biblically accurate Furby”.

A good tweet

via @paulthomasloan

The Drolatic Dreams of Pantagruel

I watched this YouTube video about a French book of 120 bizarre “demon doodles” last night – it’s part of a series about strange Christian art. I’ve posted content from hochelaga’s channel before, and they frequently engage with the weirder aspects of Christianity and other religions through the ages, among other things.

Jim Cunningham the Cher-loving priest

via @gommunisd

I can’t find this guy online but wherever he is I hope he is thriving.

"Hacks" breakout @megstalter is developing a comedy pilot from A24 and HBO Max titled "Church Girls." The story is about a 20-year-old Christian closeted lesbian as she wrestles with her sexuality and faith in God, inspired by her own experiences.

via @IndieWire

For those who missed it: "Hacks" breakout @megstalter is developing a comedy pilot from A24 and HBO Max titled "Church Girls." The story is about a 20-year-old Christian closeted lesbian as she wrestles with her sexuality and faith in God, inspired by her own experiences.

Meg Stalter did the iconic butter churning Pride Month video. Anyway now she is developing a comedy pilot from A24 and HBO Max titled "Church Girls" about a 20-year-old Christian closeted lesbian as she wrestles with her sexuality and faith in God, inspired by her own experiences! Don’t make me say it again!

This edition brought to you by “tired dad - lofi/gregorian chant to relax/study to”