George Pell died, and nobody is joking about it
Also, vore counts as eating meat so unless your partner has a fishsona no vore on Fridays
Hello, and a joyful Feast of the Ass to you all!
I’ve just come out the other side of a very stressful few days at work (more on that later). I wanted to include the work I did during that time in this week’s edition so, I’m sorry this is indeed coming out on the weekend — I had to wait until it was all fully published.
The rest is a post of posts!
Please subscribe by the way!
Hot Bible
More rock bands need to wear full suit and tie ensembles.
Pope yes!
Cardinal George Pell has died
With the death of Pope Benedict and now of Cardinal George Pell, two of the most senior conservative Catholic figures in the world have died within a few weeks of each other — extremely wild.
The Cardinal’s death was extremely sudden and unexpected, and caused a huge flurry of activity in my team as we rushed to cover the event before going to air that evening.
Cardinal Pell is also one of the most polarising and politically-charged figures in Australian public life. Whether out of concern for victims of sexual assault, or respect for the man himself, unlike with Pope Benedict almost nobody is making good-natured jokes in the wake of his death. I know instinctively that reposting what people are saying online about George Pell right now would literally be a career-ending move. So I’m not going to do that!
Instead, I will direct you to an article I spent the last few days putting together for work, which is far more considered and has gone through several rounds of legalling and editorial standards checks — 'A lightning rod for discontent': The divided legacy of Cardinal George Pell.
Steven Spielberg’s proud mum
[John Mulaney voice] There’s a HORSE in the HEAVEN
Sonic cross
Sonic is a Christian and also a fucked blue rat creature whose opinions on current events are worthless to me.
Just a note to all Catholic furs that vore counts as eating meat so unless your partner has a fishsona no vore on Fridays
A glossary for m’lady:
A few Substack posts you might like
After Elon Musk’s Great Unbanning, all sorts of previously-unwelcome accounts have made their way back to Twitter.
Vox film critic writes that although her familiarity with cinema and connection to pop culture were almost non-existent until she finished college, she thrives in her job because she went to Bible study. Honestly, same!
Saint SebastianTok
Couples counselling
I preached a sermon
The sermon I mentioned last week is now on the Leichhardt Uniting Church YouTube channel. It’s about eight minutes long and is titled, Epiphany: Inclusion and the Kingship of Christ.
Also enjoy the moustache while it lasts.
Lastly, what do you want to do with Discord?
Just a reminder that if you would like to join the Modern Relics Discord, you may do so here! For free!
I haven’t been the best at keeping things chugging along the last few months, but I figure a new year is a good time to either rejuvenate or reassess if it’s working for us.
Is Discord the best way to connect with me and each other? It’s something I’m keen to facilitate, but not sure exactly how. Or should we focus our discussions in the comments on each post? Let me know in the comments, or in the Discord itself.