Kronk is Jewish and Wolverine is Christian

Also, NFTs of saintly relics are coming

Friends, this week’s edition of Relics is less in-depth than normal. It’s my boyfriend’s birthday today and this evening we are going to eat dinner together and celebrate.

I will quickly mention that we are only two subscribers away from reaching my goal of 100 by the end of the year (amazing! Thank you!) If you’ve been enjoying the newsletter, consider sharing it, or posting about it on your social media.

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Kronk is Jewish

It’s Hanukkah, and Disney wants to teach you how to decorate a dreidel. What better character to do this than… Kronk?

The Incan himbo is kind of a weird choice given The Emperor’s New Groove is set pre-Columbian exchange, but apparently the character really is Jewish in the movie’s canon.

Of course, this means that in the world of The Emperor’s New Groove, there were Jews living in the Americas before European colonisation - which is a doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Finding this Twitter thread led me to learn about the B'nai Moshe, a group of Incan Jews who were converted by a former Catholic priest who himself converted to Judaism. Most of the Inca Jews now live in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Finally for Hanukkah, you can’t go past this 80s news graphic:

Where do I get that hideous jacket

Wolverine is Christian

It’s also Advent, the time of preparation before Christmas. To that end, Liz Bruenig would like to remind you that “Wolverine is a Christian, he loves Jesus, and he was converted by Nightcrawler.”

Here’s what she’s linked to:

In case you forgot, the nativity story has angels in it

via @FaithfullyBP

Religious relics released as NFTs

It was only a matter of time. The Portuguese charity Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) has launched Artentik “the NFT Marketplace for good causes.”

From the Artentik blog:

Artentik, the digital marketplace for SCML, is dropping the world’s first religious relics in the form of Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) for the 500-year-old social enterprise organisation and keeper of the Museum and Church of São Roque in Lisbon, which houses one of the most important religious collections in Catholic Europe.

The first four NFTs will be copies of paintings by Portuguese proto-baroque painter André Reinoso, but the fifth will be a reliquary of St Francis Xavier, co-founder of the Jesuits.

From Irish Tech News:

This tiny statue dates back to the 17th century and measures 114 x 40 cm in size. In total, 1 million NFTs will be minted of this statue, but only 10,000 released in the first drop. This is a fixed price NFT at €100 each.

So that sure is a thing that’s happening!

“This anti-religious Soviet poster looks so good it’s hard to be mad about it”

via @ChasePadusniak

An alien lizard tried to have sex with me

This video of Sharon Gilbert claiming to have been visited by a reptilian “critter” pretending to be her husband has gotten a lot of attention over the past week. I don’t know if she’s describing the classic lizard people conspiracy theory or if she’s describing a serpent like in the Garden of Eden but it’s a wild ride. Also the man sitting next to her nodding along is her husband Derek.

Ken Ham vs the Pope re: aliens

I bet Pope Francis would baptise the alien lizard people. Nobody is beyond redemption.

Three different people sent me this tweet

The picture won’t display properly if I embed the tweet directly, but it’s from user @JayHulmePoet:

“I was recycling old copies of The Church Times and found this...”

via @JayHulmePoet

Another good tweet