Newsletter We spoke to the Disney religion academic Also, you have to be a whole other level of gay and religiously traumatized to recognize this location
Newsletter There's something sus about He Gets Us Also, Vrillon from Ashtar Galactic Command has a message for you
Newsletter Drag Race's queer religious representation Also, the religious eugenics behind Sleepytime Tea
Newsletter George Pell died, and nobody is joking about it Also, vore counts as eating meat so unless your partner has a fishsona no vore on Fridays
Newsletter The Karma tornado circling Taylor Swift and Kanye West Also, the 2022 Christian tweet of the year
Newsletter How Bratz dolls are like the Protestant Reformation Also, Elon Musk’s Buddhist Vril Device
Newsletter 'The Voice' nun gives up the habit Also, Greta Gerwig's Narnia and Elon Musk's weird God tweets
Newsletter The Babylon Bee tweets again Also, Quran Dreams, what happened to God Warrior and beating Skyrim without breaking the Ten Commandments
Newsletter Rishi Sunak becomes first Hindu British PM Also, it might not be Halloween in the southern hemisphere
Newsletter Everybody loves the Miami Boys Choir Also, Gladiator 2: Christ Killer, written by Nick Cave
Newsletter We talk about machine worship, like, a lot Also, the biblically accurate O enshrined in Unicode