Rishi Sunak becomes first Hindu British PM

Also, it might not be Halloween in the southern hemisphere

This week I got a bunch of new subscribers and I’m pretty sure a lot of them are based in Italy — but I’m not sure why that would be. One is Valentina Tanni, author of a very good Substack called ‘Loading…’ (Read to the end for another Substack recommendation.)

Welcome! And thank you to whatever algorithmic quirk (or actual human being!) that brought you all here.

via @hanfjob

This week we’ve got a new PM in the UK and a spate of religious holidays related to the turning seasons — but to which season is it turning?! Also memes and shitposts! Where would this newsletter be without memes and shitposts.

One of the interesting things about Substack is there’s no subscriber counter, so a little newsletter like mine looks essentially the same as the big boys. But let’s do some radical transparency: right now I’ve got 296 subscribers. That’s nearly 300! Please help me get there by sharing and subscribing :)

For the first time, there’s a Hindu in Number 10

After a disastrous few weeks for the UK Tories, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak is now leader of the Conserviate Party and the first ever Hindu Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

via Instagram / @rishisunakmp

This isn’t a politics newsletter, so I won’t get into if I think he’s got the policies that can solve the many crises facing the UK. But his premiership is extraordinary for a number of reasons, and makes me wish the Australian parliament and its leadership was a little more representative of the people who elect it too.

One unusual quirk: According to the unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom, a Hindu now technically has veto power over who gets to be a bishop in the Church of England. In reality this power will never be used, and the only PM to exercise it was Margaret Thatcher. Still, state churches, hey?

While on the topic of UK politics, here’s Tory MP Bob Seely very naturally and casually saying “inshallah”.

People in the comments are accusing him of mixing up Hindus and Muslims, but that’s not what’s going on here. He was in the British army for over a decade in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, so it appears to be a part of his everyday vocabulary.

This pizza isn’t kosher, but that’s okay

Totally forgot to include this last week: This wholesome clip from YouTube fast food reviewer Food Review Club is all over the internet. Lead culinary expert Matt offers an Orthodox Jewish man a slice of pizza, which is politely declined. The man appears to have left a comment on the original video. Lovely. I’d like to see them do a review of some kosher food together.

I would like to join your religion

@wileefamThis time the prophet is a chihuahua? 🐕

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Thanks to Travis for sending me this.

It’s (not) “fall”

We are not heading into winter here in the southern hemisphere. No, Pagans in the south are instead moving into Beltane, and in a few months Christians will celebrate a hot, wet Christmas. But in the north, everyone is gripped with spoopy pumpkin spice vibes and therefore the internet is too, because Americans are inescapable.

via @Carolinejanetul

Caitlin Covington, the original Christian Girl Autumn, released a new fall photoshoot (or two! This is the height of her powers!)

via @PopCrave

Caitlin actually is a Christian and took the meme with very good humour, and donated to help fund the gender affirmation surgery of the creator who made the meme. In this house we stan and respect Caitlin Covington.

via @cmcoving

It is also nearly Halloween/All Hallow’s Eve/All Saints Day — hands up if you’re not sure if your costume will arrive in time or fit you properly! It was also Diwali on Monday, and several apartments in my complex have put up lots of lights, so we put ours out too. No pic.

via @aprilajoyr

Shout out to this video I posted about this time last year that I still love even though it is (or, because it is?) an ad for highly ironically earnest Christian apparel. I’ve added the music to the Modern Relics Spotify playlist:

Get me this shirt please

via @skestenbaum

Speaking of Christian apparel, religion reporter Sam Kestenbaum’s thread of “sanctified tees for the holy hypebeasts” features some killer pieces.

I kind of want this as a Halloween costume??

Hail Gaga full of grace

via @TaylorLorenz

Lastly, Cluster Huck

via Tyler Huckabee

If you like Modern Relics, you might also enjoy Tyler Huckabee’s new Substack called Cluster Huck. Tyler is the former senior editor of Relevant Magazine, but is now freelancing while he lives in Paris, France. He’s got a particular interest about how Christianity and pop culture intersect. I often include his tweets in my newsletter, so I may as well say thanks by sending some of my readers his way.